Chloe Amanita's Silly Mind

Living life as a human in a society, oh man, it's difficult isn't it. I use me as an example because currently, i am the person i know best. most of the time, I'm barely keeping my sanity together, and worse yet: if people find this out about me, that i am not sane in the head, they will ostrasize me or put me in a torture hospital.

but at the same time, i have to let my sanity out to strech it's legs, and that means, being myself in the most authentic way i can, that lets the poison out of my human soul. the poison that corrodes me little by little that never lets me be as good as i could be. that poison is injected by other people making demands of me i find utterly stupid and incoherent, like not making noise or not bouncing my foot or wearing man's boring clothing. and for too long i have accepted these demands, i am actually incredibly talented at following very specific instructions. however i have been lacking the courage to ask: hey, why do i gotta do that that way? can't i do it some other way or not do it at all? i obviously know the answer to those quesions, i have a terribly active imagination, so i can think of some solutions, and the answer is, clearly: yes, do whatever you want forever.

but when i work up the courage to ask them, they say no. they say i gotta keep doing it that way because it's the way it's done, and i know that, i'm saying we could do it differently, and it's really frustrating the fact that they seem to be lacking the standard, basic imagination about these things. so to conclude, if i follow the masses i die by a corroded soul, if i let my soul run wild and free i will be scolded and mocked for being sincere, at least i think so. (i am afraid so)